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The Impact of Artificial intelligence in Our Daily Lives


When people talk about artificial technology, you might start thinking of robots automatically and other advanced mechanisms.  But, are you aware that artificial intelligence exists even in the most subtle ways you couldn't imagine?   From the obvious virtual personal assistants to the subtle related recommendations you get for the things you search on the Internet or applications software, artificial intelligence is apparently in use in our modern life, and its use is continually growing.  Below are the implications of artificial intelligence in our lives every day.

Through virtual personal assistants and smart home gadgets, people are able to handle their tasks more efficiently and save money respectively.  Applications like Siri, Google Now, Cortana and the like help people find useful information and give reminders to do important things.

A lot of smart home devices are now incorporating the ability to study behavior patterns and alter settings automatically to preserve energy and enhance satisfaction.  It is evident with some thermostats and lighting systems.

Artificial intelligence is incorporated in many firms to protect your money and information, and in security systems to keep you safe.  Do you ever wonder why banks ask you if you have purchased anything using your credit card or why you receive emails alerting you that your inbox was accessed from a different device than the usual ones?  Artificial intelligence is normally in use to protect your information based on suspicion of fishy activity.

Security systems include artificial intelligence to stay focused on surveillance cameras round at any given moments since humans sometimes blink.  Security algorithms monitor cameras to give off alerts if they determine there could be a threat.

Enhanced experiences
Many entertainment features and sites incorporate artificial intelligence to enhance your experience whenever you use them.  For example, some corporations have a chat support bot on their websites to solve any problems you may encounter.  These bots gather information from the site and present it to customers whenever they ask for it.

Some video games nowadays learn your behaviors, respond to stimuli, act unpredictably, and some even develop your opponents with the ability to analyze things like humans do to increase their chances of beating you.  This makes the games more interesting.

In business today, anticipation of needs is critical to making it big.   Some of them are using predictive analytics algorithms to present you with targeted advertisements, offer you discounts, send you coupons, etc. to enhance their sales.  Also, some virtual personal assistants are studying their users to develop the ability to predict their needs in the Jobs of the future.

In entertainment and on the Internet, you can make discoveries using the related recommendations offered to you based on your interests and choices such as natural language generation.  For instance, you can learn something new when you read proposed articles or obtain new favorites when you select related films and music.



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